Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.
I think this teacher is absolutely correct in the way that he thinks students are missing the main idea of school: Learning to deal with the hardships of life rather than getting the passing grade. I believe that most kids these days only come to school to please their parents and to get a grade in order to go to college when in reality, school is all about social experience and learning how to be responsible. The "main event" that the author is trying to explain is the things behind the meaning of school. It is how you should challenge yourself to complete a difficult task whether it has to do with getting a passing grade or not.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
My Weekend
This weekend was absolutely incredible; it could have been the one of the best weekends of my entire life. Thursday and Friday I went to Las Vegas and hungout around the city before hosting a social media show at the Hard Rock Cafe. I got to meet a ton of fans and it was overall a really awesome experience to get on stage. Then on Saturday, we(social media crew) all traveled to San Diego to perform at another venue. This was also really fun because I always love going to California because of the weather and we were pretty funny on stage. Here is a picture of what it looked like to be on stage from my point of view:
Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Elaborate on why you agree of disagree.
If images are on the internet they should be "free game".
I think that all images on the internet don't have to be free game. I feel like you should have your picture rights and be able to post anything you want on the internet, but its not fair for someone to take credit for it. If all images were free game then there would just be people getting upset with each other in the long run.
If images are on the internet they should be "free game".
I think that all images on the internet don't have to be free game. I feel like you should have your picture rights and be able to post anything you want on the internet, but its not fair for someone to take credit for it. If all images were free game then there would just be people getting upset with each other in the long run.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Reflection on Resume Website
I honestly feel like I did a pretty solid job on my personal Website. It was arguably one of the most easiest to comprehend and read. Most people included huge images in the background behind their information, and it was very distracting quite honestly. I also noticed how others still don't know how to correctly spell, even being a high school student and passing the 8th grade.
I used my time efficiently and made sure that I got a specific amount of work done each day so that I wouldn't 'fall behind.' I think being concise and straight to the point is what a job employer would want to read rather than paragraphs of information that no one truly cares about. After seeing some of the websites made by the students in this class, I am genuinely scared for their future plans with education.
Maybe if the other students also used their time like they should have everyday, then their websites wouldn't have been that horrible. There were only 3 websites that I truly liked and respected and that was because they took this assignment seriously and spent a lot of time working on it.
Monday, March 30, 2015
What's the coolest thing you've learned in Web Design so far? Why is it so cool and how can it help you in the future?
The coolest thing I've learned in Web design so far is all of the coding that is put into html in order to help make a website. I have never done anything with coding before in my life so it is all a new experience to me.
This will be able to help me in the future if I ever need to create a website for something. Taking this class taught me the basics of how to code, so it gave me the minimum information I could learn about making a simple website.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Define 'User Experience'. What does it mean and how does it relate to web design?
User Experience is basically when a company or product does everything that they can to meet the exact wants and needs of the customer. It can also mean for something to be very interactive with the user. For Example: A website that would have an interactive game for the user would give them more of the "User Experience" they are looking for.
This relates to Web design because its essential to strive to always create a website that is very fun and interactive with the person visiting it so that they are happy. User Experience is important for people to get when on a website so that they will always remember what you are trying to say or sell. It can also be as simple as making your website very creative and colorful so that the people who go to it find it more entertaining.
Monday, March 23, 2015
What is a resume website? What do people put on resume websites. Spend about 5-10 minutes looking up resume websites and what they are used for. Explain what you find. Include an image of a resume website if possible.
A resume website is a website that is created for job opportunities in the future. Like a normal paper resume, the website resume explains what you've accomplished and what your interests in life are. It basically gives a brief summary of who you are as a person so that other people can figure out who you portray yourself to be. Usually people will put what they can do on a resume, their previous occupations, what their interested in, their accomplishments, the schools that they have attended in the past, and the traits that they think explain who they are as a person the most.
A resume website is a website that is created for job opportunities in the future. Like a normal paper resume, the website resume explains what you've accomplished and what your interests in life are. It basically gives a brief summary of who you are as a person so that other people can figure out who you portray yourself to be. Usually people will put what they can do on a resume, their previous occupations, what their interested in, their accomplishments, the schools that they have attended in the past, and the traits that they think explain who they are as a person the most.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Spring Break
I am going to be super busy this Spring break. This weekend, I will be flying out to Chicago again to take part in the Fan Rave tour. Right after that, I will only have a few hours of rest before I will be taking a Senior road trip down to Texas with my best friends. We are going to be staying at my friend Alex's house and it'll probably the last time that the four of us are all together again! I am really excited for this break because of all the new experiences I will make and the places that I will be traveling to.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Who do you look up to in your life? Why do you look up to them? Tell me about them and some of their characteristics that you admire.
I look up to a lot of people in my life but my top 3 include my brother, Jeydon Wale, and Jc Caylen. I've always looked up to my brother Gage ever since I was little because he could teach me social skills by showing me how to act around other people. Jeydon Wale and Jc Caylen are both social media guys that I look up to because of the way that they portray themselves on camera. Jeydon is very compassionate and cares a lot about other people which I respect while Jc is inspirational since he explains how he got the life that he has today and is very humble about it. I would like to be just like all 3 of these people in some sort of way.
I look up to a lot of people in my life but my top 3 include my brother, Jeydon Wale, and Jc Caylen. I've always looked up to my brother Gage ever since I was little because he could teach me social skills by showing me how to act around other people. Jeydon Wale and Jc Caylen are both social media guys that I look up to because of the way that they portray themselves on camera. Jeydon is very compassionate and cares a lot about other people which I respect while Jc is inspirational since he explains how he got the life that he has today and is very humble about it. I would like to be just like all 3 of these people in some sort of way.
Monday, March 9, 2015
My Weekend
My weekend was awesome! I went to Relay for Life on Friday and had a great time staying up all night raising money for cancer. After sleeping most of the day Saturday, I hung out with some of my friends and made some social media content with Sam. On Sunday, my mom and I went shopping and I got a lot of new clothes and a new pair of shoes. We went out to eat and then I went home and relaxed until it was time for me to go to bed. I had a pretty good weekend.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Principal at BVHS
If I was a principal at Blue Valley I would change the way that people are treated at school since that I can see that we are all about anti bullying but still there are people getting bullied at least once a day.
I don't know honestly if this is possible to change, but we come into the gym and act like a "big family" when in reality as soon as we walk into the hallways its like everyone is for themselves and no one really cares.
Finally, I would try to change the amount of respect/fairness that the administration gives to particular students based on what they are known for. An example is the fact that Sam and I are looked down upon by all the administration and most teachers since we have a bad rep that no one truly understands.
I know that these are really difficult things to change and I doubt that it would even be a possibility for these changes to occur, but I just thought that I should give my opinion on what I think is unfair about this school.
Monday, March 2, 2015
My Weekend
I had a pretty good weekend because I finally got to relax for the first time. Sam and I made a lot of new content for you tube and vine which was fun to do but I got to visit an old friend Sunday to play some games. Other than that, it was pretty much the same as all of my other weekends. I didn't take any pictures unfortunately.
Monday, February 23, 2015
My Weekend
My weekend was pretty fun I must say. I went down to Lawrence to spend some time with my brother which was really cool. We went to this Mexican food place called Fuzzy s and caught up with everything that was happening in our lives. Then on Sunday, I slept all day and did homework before my parents got back from their vacation. I watched the Oscars with my mom and then I went to bed early so that I would be able to get up in time for school.
Friday, February 20, 2015
I believe that you don't have to have a perfect set of classes in order to prepare you for the life that you want to live. You learn the most about life through personal experience; that's what is going to matter in the long run. The school stuff that we are learning now isn't going to be as helpful to us in the future than a good personal lesson taught by what you experience.
I guess I would just replace the whole concept of taking classes for school with just living life to the fullest and striving after what you love to do. I would spend my "class time" going and learning about different places in the world myself and talking to many people so that I can have my own personal perception of how people act in the world.
This "classroom" would be different from any of the ones that I have right now since that it wouldn't be in a classroom at all and would just be in the world that we live in.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Facts About Me
My favorite food: I like steak. But my favorite place to eat at is Chipotle.Foods I'd like to avoid: Peppers are nasty and I also don't like Cauliflower.
My favorite things to learn: I like to learn about social behavior and Personal Finance.
My favorite color: Any type of blue grey.
My best friends are: Sam Golbach.
My favorite games to play: I like to play Kingdom hearts if we are talking video games.
My favorite books: The Devil in the White City.
My favorite movies or TV shows: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Drake and Josh.
My favorite holiday: Halloween.
Things I do well: Social media handling. Talking to people.
Things I need to practice more: Sports. Hand-eye coordination.
My favorite place to go: I like to go to my room where I can be in peace and quiet.
My favorite family activities: Watching TV series together. Going on a vacation.
My favorite thing to do outside: Film. Take pictures of the area around me while going on a bike ride.
My favorite chore: Cleaning my room because it benefits me.
My least favorite chore: Cleaning the bathroom.
What I want to be when I grow up: Different than everyone else.
A place I want to visit: Any other island of Hawaii that I haven't been to.
My favorite part of the year: Fall.
My favorite part of each day: The sunset. Twilight period.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Color can convey a lot of emotion when it comes to designing anything from a product to a website to an advertisement to a logo and so much more. What do you think the importance of colors on a website are? What is a color scheme and why is it important to have when designing? Explain any thoughts you might have around color in design.
Colors are very important to keep in mind when creating a product or a website because of the specific emotions that they might elicit out of someone. A color scheme is a group of colors that are all in the same shade. It is important to have a color scheme while designing so that your website looks more organized and neat. I think that color should never be neglected when designing something since that it has such a big impact on what the viewer feels.
Colors are very important to keep in mind when creating a product or a website because of the specific emotions that they might elicit out of someone. A color scheme is a group of colors that are all in the same shade. It is important to have a color scheme while designing so that your website looks more organized and neat. I think that color should never be neglected when designing something since that it has such a big impact on what the viewer feels.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I don't know if I agree with this quote too much. I really do believe that you should always be doing as much as you can if you can handle it. Applying this to my own life, I try to do as much as I possibly can without getting overwhelmed or stressed out because I know I can do it and I don't want to be lazy about it. If you do less in school but you have more focus, it could help your grades but its not going to make you grow as an outgoing learner at all. I would like to have less work in this class. Not because of the amount of stuff I have to get done, but because of the amount of stuff I COULD accomplish if I had more time.
My Weekend
My weekend was absolutely amazing! I went to Chicago because I was invited to be a part of the Jam Tour. I got to spend a lot of time hanging out with my social media friends and meeting all of my supporters. Traveling is my favorite thing to do in the world so it was nice to take a break from my Kansas life and go somewhere else.
Friday, February 6, 2015
I think the coolest thing that I have learned in class this year is CSS coding. I think its awesome how you can put in small codes in the CSS style sheet and it will immediately change your website's appearance.
I want to learn a lot more about how to make websites look professional while also adding my own personal touch to it. Besides that, I think the information that we are learning right now is pretty cool.
I want to learn a lot more about how to make websites look professional while also adding my own personal touch to it. Besides that, I think the information that we are learning right now is pretty cool.
Monday, February 2, 2015
My Sweetheart Weekend
I didn't go to the dance, but instead went danced for hours with Sam in order to be prepared for the Jam Tour that I am going to in Chi Town this weekend. Besides dancing, I watched the Super Bowl with my family and studied math all weekend since I have to keep my grades up to be able to travel around the country.I'm not too upset that I didn't go to Sweetheart to be honest because I really don't like anybody that goes to my school. There are only a handful of kids that I can actually tolerate, but that's not really the point. As far as you know, I could just be saying all of this because I am "butt hurt" about not even being asked in the first place. I got a beautiful prom date, and honestly, that's all I can ask for and I am genuinely happy with that.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Website Wireframe
A website wireframe is basically the skeleton format of what your website is going to look like. Its not the html code, but rather the visual outline of how your website is going to work. You could say that its like the 'blueprints' of a website.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Finish this sentence "10 years from now I will be...."
10 years from now I will be in California living in Beverly hills. I will get there from a lot of hard work and determination to succeed. It might sound unrealistic and not likely that that is going to happen, but I dream big and if I set my goals that high, then I am going to be getting somewhere eventually. I know what it takes to get there and I am going to do everything in my power to do that.
Monday, January 26, 2015
My Weekend
I had an awesome weekend. On Friday, I hung out with an old friend that I used to know and got to catch up on things with her. Then on Saturday, I went to the gym to workout , I made a bunch of content for social media, and got some of my friends to come together and go on a 5 hour bike ride. This bike ride was awesome because I got to be active while hanging out with my friends, plus, we went to a Chinese restaurant as a reward. Finally, I just stayed home and did homework on Sunday. After I was finished, I went over to Sam's house and we finished a couple of business things we had to do and then had a huge talk about what we were going to do for our future. Overall, it was a great weekend because I got a lot of things done and was pretty productive.
*No pictures for the weekend.
Friday, January 23, 2015

Kids These Days
I hate the young generation of kids these days. All they do is listen to their rap tunes and smoke the marijuana. I am scared for what will happen in the future to this country! See when I was a young wipper snapper, I did what I was told and always followed the rules. Now it just seems like there is no limit of trouble that these stupid kids can reach.
I really do hope that there is a change in the behavior of future America. Teens doing dangerous stuff and listening to bad music is going to ruin the entire WORLD.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
HTML and Coding
The most annoying and frustrating thing about html code so far is that it takes a while to make the codes because you have to type a very specific thing. This means that it is going to take lots of practice before we can finish a code really fast. Its really fun, you just have to be very careful not to go too fast or you could mess up the whole thing.
Something that would make it easier is if you could just write more obvious codes like <picture> or <paragraph> rather than the codes that we use now. I understand basically everything about coding; the only thing you could say that I don't understand is why they made coding to be so detailed.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
3 Day Weekend
My 3 day weekend was amazing! I basically spent all of it being productive and getting a lot of social media work done. By this, I mean that I made lots of YouTube videos,vines, and took pictures. Other than that, on Sunday I cleaned my room and did all of my homework. I asked a girl to prom also last weekend; I know its early, but I still wanted to do it since she lives pretty far away.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.
I am a senior here at Blue Valley High school. I am not really involved in any clubs but I am in band, if that is counted as an activity. I think my favorite class this year so far is personal finance because I get to learn about how to manage my money which is very helpful to me. I am looking forward to learning a lot more about technology and business because they will help my future tremendously.
To be completely honest, school is more of a second, less important thing in my life at the moment and sometimes, I think it can just waste my time. However, that doesn't mean I am just going to give up on working hard. The things that I am involved with personally outside of school are what I would like to fully focus on so that I can have a chance to do something different with my lifestyle than the normal high school kid. Here is a picture of what I typically do outside of school:
I am a senior here at Blue Valley High school. I am not really involved in any clubs but I am in band, if that is counted as an activity. I think my favorite class this year so far is personal finance because I get to learn about how to manage my money which is very helpful to me. I am looking forward to learning a lot more about technology and business because they will help my future tremendously.
To be completely honest, school is more of a second, less important thing in my life at the moment and sometimes, I think it can just waste my time. However, that doesn't mean I am just going to give up on working hard. The things that I am involved with personally outside of school are what I would like to fully focus on so that I can have a chance to do something different with my lifestyle than the normal high school kid. Here is a picture of what I typically do outside of school:
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Alphabetical Differences
Always look around at the little things
Be happy; happiness is key
Do something uncomfortable
Escape the negatives
Find your light
Give happiness
Have a positive outlook on things
Instead of being sad, look at the bright side of things
Just live life
Kill the negativity
Look around!
Make others smile
Notice the feelings of the people you care about
Obey your parents
Quitting is not an option
Rise and conquer
Take a chance
Unite with your loved ones
Very hard work gets you places
Work to succeed
X ray vision is terrifying
You need to try
Zoinks! get your head in the game
Thoughts on Web Design
So far I think that Web Design is pretty easy; the only hard part is the amount of work that it takes to actually do codecademy. I have learned how to easily put together an HTML code for any website as well as making a blog for the rest of the class to see. I really want to learn how to create a very personal website that I will be able to use for the rest of my life
My weekend
I went to Boston, Massachusetts and New Jersey last weekend in order to be a part of the Fan rave tour. This is a social media event where kids around the country with a large following people go to perform in front of an audience and have a Meet and Greet with the fans.
People wonder what the heck Sam and I do on stage since we can't sing or dance; lets just say that we don't do the normal thing like everyone else. Our set consists of us going out on stage and making the entire audience do the cupid shuffle with us, have a 5 minute inspirational talk with them, and then dance in our banana suits to Taylor Caniff"s buck wild song. Overall, our set is pretty entertaining, plus, we are able to get serious on these people and tell them the way that we view the world.
Of course I would receive an A since it would be all of the things that I am an expert at. My report card would have things like this:
Post on twitter: A
Post at least 3 vines a week: A
Post once a day on instagram: A
Have a business talk with manager once a day: A
Make one YouTube video a week: A
These are the things that I usually have to worry about doing in my personal life. I have become pretty great at being able to get these things done since I have had a lot of practice.
Post on twitter: A
Post at least 3 vines a week: A
Post once a day on instagram: A
Have a business talk with manager once a day: A
Make one YouTube video a week: A
These are the things that I usually have to worry about doing in my personal life. I have become pretty great at being able to get these things done since I have had a lot of practice.
I think that this newspaper article was very concise and straight to the point. The author came off with a mean sounding tone and basically told his views on teenagers directly. This post honestly just makes me want to do the opposite since that I don't like being told exactly how to live my life. I think this author should have been more calm in his approach to tell his ideas. I agree with the fact that most teenagers are lazy but I don't think that they need to accomplish all of the things that the author stated in order to make a change in the world.
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