Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.

I think this teacher is absolutely correct in the way that he thinks students are missing the main idea of school: Learning to deal with the hardships of life rather than getting the passing grade. I believe that most kids these days only come to school to please their parents and to get a grade in order to go to college when in reality, school is all about social experience and learning how to be responsible. The "main event" that the author is trying to explain is the things behind the meaning of school. It is how you should challenge yourself to complete a difficult task whether it has to do with getting a passing grade or not. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


My Weekend

This weekend was absolutely incredible; it could have been the one of the best weekends of my entire life. Thursday and Friday I went to Las Vegas and hungout around the city before hosting a social media show at the Hard Rock Cafe. I got to meet a ton of fans and it was overall a really awesome experience to get on stage. Then on Saturday, we(social media crew) all traveled to San Diego to perform at another venue. This was also really fun because I always love going to California because of the weather and we were pretty funny on stage. Here is a picture of what it looked like to be on stage from my point of view:


Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Elaborate on why you agree of disagree.

If images are on the internet they should be "free game".

I think that all images on the internet don't have to be free game. I feel like you should have your picture rights and be able to post anything you want on the internet, but its not fair for someone to take credit for it. If all images were free game then there would just be people getting upset with each other in the long run.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Reflection on Resume Website 

I honestly feel like I did a pretty solid job on my personal Website. It was arguably one of the most easiest to comprehend and read. Most people included huge images in the background behind their information, and it was very distracting quite honestly. I also noticed how others still don't know how to correctly spell, even being a high school student and passing the 8th grade. 

I used my time efficiently and made sure that I got a specific amount of work done each day so that I wouldn't 'fall behind.'  I think being concise and straight to the point is what a job employer would want to read rather than paragraphs of information that no one truly cares about. After seeing some of the websites made by the students in this class, I am genuinely scared for their future plans with education. 

Maybe if the other students also used their time like they should have everyday, then their websites wouldn't have been that horrible. There were only 3 websites that I truly liked and respected and that was because they took this assignment seriously and spent a lot of time working on it.