Thursday, January 15, 2015


I think that this newspaper article was very concise and straight to the point. The author came off with a mean sounding tone and basically told his views on teenagers directly. This post honestly just makes me want to do the opposite since that I don't like being told exactly how to live my life. I think this author should have been more calm in his approach to tell his ideas. I agree with the fact that most teenagers are lazy but I don't think that they need to accomplish all of the things that the author stated in order to make a change in the world.


  1. I can't stop reading this.... Is this the actual Colby Brock? This seems way to real.. I asked on twitter but you didn't write back(prob. b/c there are way to many comments) so I thought this wasn't. IDK.. If you ever look at this can you say 'Hello' to Everyone. Okie thx bye.(P.S. I love you and Sam)

  2. HEY COLBY! I feel like this is fake but if it's real, i wish i knew you guys earlier
